A few basic arcane questions
I have some questions about arcane mimicry, and arcane echo.
1: Arcane E says, if you cast a spell, does that include enchantment spells and hex spells, or just spells.
2: If you would use arcane m (or even arcane e if above question is answered posivitive) and you would cast an enchant/hex that lasts longer than the duration of the arcane, for example if you would use arcane e to gain shield of judgement, but you would activate SoJ after say 15 secs, would shield of judgement remain working even after arcane has returned on your skill bar?
3:very simple question, if you have use arcane e, or arcane m, do they start flashing if they are almost done?
4:If you would use a skill that refreshes all of your skills, which you've captured with an arcane, would the skill you've captured refresh, or would arcane refresh?
I thank you for answering my questions.